How to change the log file location for TIBCO Spotfire Node Manager, for version 11.3 and higher
Article ID: KB0072494
Updated On:
Spotfire Server
11.3 and higher
This article describes steps to reconfigure the TIBCO Spotfire Node manager log file(s) location to a non-default location, for version 11.3 and higher.
This article describes the steps to change the Node manager log files location to another location(non-default) location, and is applicable version 11.3 and higher.
Take a backup of any of the below-mentioned files before making any changes.
Please remember you need to specify the absolute path of the new location.
Follow the steps below to change the log file(s) location:
Stop the Spotfire Node Manager Service
To change the nm.log file location,
Open <Node manager install directory>\tsnm\<version_number>\nm\config\log-config\log4j2-properties.xml in a text editor.
Search for "log.dir" string e.g. <Properties> <Property name="log.dir">logs</Property> and replace to <Properties> <Property name="log.dir">C:\tibco\Logs</Property>
Save the file, after making this change the node manager log (nm.log file) will be configured in the new location
For changing winsw.* related files, you will need to edit the winsw.xml file
Navigate to <Node manager install directory>\tsnm\<version_number>\nm
Open winsw.xml in a text editor
Search for "logpath" string and replace its value which currently will be " <logpath>logs</logpath>" with the new location e.g. <logpath>C:\tibco\Logs</logpath>.
Save the file.
For changing startup files,
Navigate to <Node manager install directory>\tsnm\<version_number>\startup.bat file,
Open in text editor and edit the new destination location under this heading :- "com.spotfire.server.nodemanager.remote.JettyBox >> C:\tibco\logs\startup.log 2>&1"
Save the file
Restart the node manager service
Additional Information
Please follow the below KB article link for changing the Node Manager Services Logs (Web player and Automation Services):