How to Filter the spreadsheet data based on case sensitivity.

How to Filter the spreadsheet data based on case sensitivity.


Article ID: KB0071035


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 14.x and higher


If we enter Case-sensitive text data in the Spreadsheet, we can filter the duplicates using the RE_SEARCH Function.
Please find the below steps with a sample workspace attached which will help you to filter the data on the basis of Case sensitivity.


Workaround to Filter the Data in the spreadsheet on basis of Case Sensitivity.


Windows OS


Steps to Follow:

1. Open a new spreadsheet and enter Case Sensitive duplicate text values.

User-added image

2. Declare the function in Sensitive column:

User-added image

3.  Declare the function in Insensitive column:

User-added image

4. Add the spreadsheet to the workspace and add the Filter function in the workspace.

User-added image

5. Declare the Variables and Run the workspace, Output spreadsheet will have data without duplicates.

User-added image

If you still have any queries then you can contact us at

NOTE: Other Functions that uses Regular Expressions are "RE_MATCH", and "RE_REPLACE".


How to Filter the spreadsheet data based on case sensitivity. get_app