How to Migrate or Clone existing database in the Same Spotfire database Server instance? (For Example- Within MS SQL SERVER)

How to Migrate or Clone existing database in the Same Spotfire database Server instance? (For Example- Within MS SQL SERVER)


Article ID: KB0072679


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 11.4 and higher



This article describes how the tool will allow migrations between and within the same Spotfire database instances with the same technical and schema versions from the 11.4 version onwards.

  • The tool will overwrite the current database contents with the target database, so be careful when specifying the target database.
  • Once migrated, the environment needs to get its nodes table cleared if it is supposed to be started at the same time as the original database
  • Migration within the same instance is not tested and not documented in the Server install documentation


How to Migrate/Duplicate within the same database server? For Example-Duplicate existing repository database to another one with a new name inside the same MS SQL Server.


Starting with version 11.4.0 of Spotfire Server, you can use command-line commands to migrate a Spotfire database instance or an action database instance within the same database server i.e. within MS SQL Server or within Postgre SQL, etc.

  • To use these commands, you need the Microsoft SQL and Oracle drivers; however, these operations are not supported with the bundled Microsoft Data Direct and Oracle Data Direct drivers.
  • If Spotfire Server is configured to authenticate with the source Spotfire database using Windows Integrated Authentication, then you must run the command as the same user that Spotfire Server authenticates. Otherwise, the command tool cannot authenticate with the database.
  • Create a working backup of your Spotfire database.
  • You must have created the new Spotfire database, with the same version.
 To perform, please follow these steps:
  1. Turn off all services that run toward the existing database. Please note, If you are migrating a database for a Spotfire Server cluster, turn off all servers in the cluster before performing the migration.
  2. Open a command-line window.
  3. Browse to the directory <installation-directory>/tomcat/spotfire-bin.
  4. Run the appropriate command either migrate-db or migrate-action-db, specifying the newly-created Spotfire database as your target database.
                The following example demonstrates migrating the Spotfire database from its current database instance to a target database instance within the same database server and the --update-bootstrap will update the bootstrap file with the new DB details

config.bat migrate-db --tool-password=password --target-database-url=jdbc:sqlserver://my_host_name:1433/my_target_dbname --target-username=username -- target-password=my_target_pw  --update-bootstrap

Additional Information

Doc: Backup Of Spotfire Database Doc: Migrating  a Database Instance Doc: Migrate-db command-line tool description Doc: Migrate-action-db command-line tool description