How to Reset a Corrupt Studio Configuration
Article ID: KB0074463
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A corrupt StreamBase Studio configuration can result in missing plug-ins, errors in the GUI preventing some actions from completing successfully, and NullPointerException and related errors in the Error Log.
How to Reset a Corrupt Studio Configuration
The steps to revert the configuration to the original settings after a clean install involve renaming the bad configuration directory and allowing Studio to create a new configuration directory.
Check for your installed Studio versions' Application Data directory on documentation page:
TIBCO StreamBase Documentation > Installation Guide > Default Installation Directories
On Microsoft Windows, the directory may be, for example:
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\TIBCO Software Inc\StreamBase\AppData\sbstudio
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\TIBCO Software Inc\StreamBase\AppSupport\sbstudio
The correction steps are:
On Windows:
1. Stop SB Studio if running.
2. Open Windows Explorer and change the directory to:
C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Local\TIBCO Software Inc\StreamBase\AppSupport\sbstudio
3. Rename the 7.7.1 directory to "7.7.1_backup".
4. Start SB Studio and attempt to reproduce the problem.
On Linux:
1. Stop 'sbstudio' if running.
2. In a terminal window change the current directory ('cd') to:
3. Rename the 7.7.1 directory to "7.7.1_backup" (mv 7.7.1 7.7.1_backup).
4. change the current directory back to "/home/(user)".
5. Start 'sbstudio' and attempt to reproduce the problem.
The directories may be renamed or copied while Studio is not running in order to test Studio again using the alternate configuration.
This procedure does not change the workspace contents.