1. Insert the "Export Data Node " in a workspace, enter the full path and select "XML" as the File Type.
2. Here below are SVB script examples of writing to XML. The path referred in the example macro needs to be replaced with the path where the XML file will be saved.
NOTE: The spreadsheet that is to be saved as xml has to be opened already and in active status before running the macro.
Sub Main
Dim ss As Spreadsheet
Set ss = ActiveSpreadsheet
Dim xmlData
xmlData = ss.ContentData(scXMLVerbose)
Dim iFileNo As Integer
iFileNo = FreeFile
Open "c:\users\yourname\desktop\test.xml" For Output As #iFileNo
Print#iFileNo, xmlData
Close #iFileNo
'MsgBox xmlData
End Sub
Another example of using Spreadsheet.ExportXML() method:
Sub Main
Dim ss As Spreadsheet
Set ss = ActiveSpreadsheet
Dim FileName
FileName = "c:\users\yourname\desktop\test.xml"
End Sub