How to access TIBCO Data Virtualization Apache Drill DRE portal?

How to access TIBCO Data Virtualization Apache Drill DRE portal?


Article ID: KB0073843


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 8.0 and later


This article provides details to access the TIBCO Data Virtualization Apache Drill portal.  


How to access TIBCO Data Virtualization Apache Drill DRE portal?


MPP (Linux Operating System), Drill DRE console (Windows Operating System)


Note: Drill DRE console helps when Massive Parallel Processing Engine (MPP) is setup. As MPP is only for TDV instances running on Linux Systems, Drill console is not applicable for TDV instances running on Windows. 
Login to the Drill DRE console rom any browser having access to the TIBCO Data Virtualization Server machine with the following syntax:

http://[TDV_server_name/ IP address]:[TDV_base_port+3]/login

username: dre_manager
password: [set during TDV installation]
If password is misplaced, login to TDV Web Manger as an "admin" user and change the password for dre_manager user from "User management" page. 
Screenshot for reference:
User-added image
User-added image

Drill DRE console can help query the data, display metrics, storage and threads and obtain the drill logs. For complete details on Apache Drill, navigate to the documentation section:
User-added image