How to add an additional column(s) to MAS alarm email ?

How to add an additional column(s) to MAS alarm email ?


Article ID: KB0078563


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.4 and higher


Monitoring and Alerting Server(MAS) will send an alarm email when it encounters a sample out of control point or when a certain error condition is met.
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How can an additional column/columns be added to the alarm email ?


How to add an additional column or columns to MAS(Monitoring and Alerting Server) alarm email ?


1. Login to Statistica Enterprise Manager as a user with permissions to edit the data configurations - Data Administrator (DADM) or System Administrator (SADM)

2. Locate the data configuration that the analysis configuration is dependent on. Pick the column(s) that you would like to see in your email and mark the MAS Auxiliary data as illustrated below and commit the change

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3.  MAS alarm emails will now include this column so end user has additional details they would like to see with the alarm report.

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