Option 1: 1. Open the Spreadsheet or Script that needs to be added to Statistica Enterprise as a general document
2. In Statistica, navigate to Enterprise Tab>>Add to Enterprise. Select Create new object.
3. Choose the System View folder to add into Enterprise, define the name for the script and define Access permissions on who can access the script and then click OK to successfully add a script to Statistica Enterprise. User may be prompted for versioning information, if applicable to the system.
Option 2: 1. Open Enterprise Manager and select the system view folder where you would want to import the general/binary document.
2. Click on "Insert file" from the Action section and choose the file to be added. Define Access permissions and enter versioning information if prompted and then click on Commit to save the file in Statistica Enterprise as illustrated below:
Once deployed, the files can be referred to in other places as "enterprise://[System View Path in Enterprise]|[Version Information]" See:
https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-get-the-system-view-path-of-an-object-in-Statistica-Enterprise-Manager for how to find the System View path in enterprise
Here are some common use cases to referencing the binary documents:
1. As reference of other scripts :
2. While defining database connections using STAOLEDB provider for Statistica Spreadsheets:
3. While defining code for SVB Analysis configurations :