1. Download
TIBCO Statistica Extension for TIBCO Spotfire Software (v 13.4.0) from edelivery.tibco.com and extract the zip file locally
2. Login to Spotfire Server Dashboard via a web browser as a member of Administrator or Deployment Administrator and click on "Deployments and Packages"
3. Optionally, add a new Deployment area for the Statistica extension. You may skip this step if you plan to deploy the package to the default Production area.
You may also optionally copy the distribution from Production as deemed necessary.
4. Click on Add Packages
5. Browse to the location where you extracted the contents of the zip folder in Step 1 and select the StatisticaExtension.spk file and click Open.
6. Click on Upload and repeat the procedure in Step 5 for StatisticaEngine.spk
7. Ensure that the Statistica Engine and Statistica Integration packages are listed and then click on Validate Area and then Save Area.
8. Login to the Spotfire Server via Spotfire Analyst or Spotfire Portable client and select the Deployment Area where the Statistica packages were added and click OK.
9. Open a .dxp file or add a data table and then click on Tools and ensure that there is a menu option named Statistica as shown below