How to apply 6.5 hotfix 1 to TIBCO Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0?

How to apply 6.5 hotfix 1 to TIBCO Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0?


Article ID: KB0076297


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0


How to apply 6.5 hotfix 1 to TIBCO Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0?


The document describes how to apply the 6.5 hotfix 1 to TIBCO Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0.


Operating System: Linux


To apply 6.5 hotfix 1 to TIBCO Data Science Team Studio 6.5.0

1. Stop TIBCO Data Science Team Studio application. 

2. Download the hotfix 1 from the support portal. Please watch the GIF below to see the location to download the hotfix.

User-added image 
3. Once you download the hotfix files, in ${CHORUS_HOME}/alpine-current/agent/jetty-/webapps/alpine location replace the old 2.6.0-cdh5.4.2.war with the new war file. 

4. As a best practice, remove the extracted war archive files from ${CHORUS_DATA}/tmp/jetty-2.6.0-cdh5.4.2.war- using the following command:
      rm -rf jetty-2.6.0-cdh5.4.2.war*

5. To apply the hotfix on Jupyter Python Notebooks, replace the old file with the new file in the in ChrousCommander directory. The default location of ChrousCommander directory is /opt/notebooks/notebooks/lib.

6. Start the TIBCO Data Science Team Studio application for the 6.5 hotfix 1 to apply.