Extract the ZIP file to a new folder and review the README file for license considerations, notes, and additional installation steps.
The following instructions apply to both Engineering Builds (which are to be used for testing and are not supported if run in a production environment) and Hotfixes (which are supported in all environments according to your subscription or license agreement).
The hotfix may be a full product install, or one or more JAR files. See the specific section below for the different installation steps.
Full Product Install
If it is a full product install, uninstall the version the hotfix replaces, then install the hotfix as follows:
A. If the hotfix is a Microsoft Windows .msi, Linux .archive-bin or .rpm-bin script, or macOS .dmg (disk image), install according to the normal product installation instructions found in the online documentation for this version at
https://docs.tibco.com .
B. If the hotfix is a tar.gz file, extract into an empty folder using command:
tar xzvf {filename}
JAR file replacement
For Streaming 10.x and later:
1. load the new jar into the local Maven repository
mvn install:install-file
-Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
2. update each project's
pom.xml dependencies to refer to the new artifact ID and Version
The correct
artifact-id, and
version will be identified in the README included with the hotfix.
These steps must be completed on all Streaming development installations, but NOT for server installations.
For StreamBase 7.x versions:
1. find the original JAR in the StreamBase install path, typically:
C:\tibco\sb-cep\7.7\lib\adapter2. move the original JAR to a backup folder outside the "
C:\tibco\sb-cep" path so it cannot be found on the system Java CLASSPATH.
3. copy the new JAR into the original JAR folder location.
This must be done for ALL StreamBase development and server installations.
Post update actions
For Streaming 10.x and later:
1. Restart SB Studio.
2. Build all EventFlow, LiveView, and Application fragment projects in which you changed the
pom.xml dependency.
3. Stop and remove each old node and re-install each node with the updated Application archive. This may be done one node at a time in an active cluster as a rolling upgrade.
For StreamBase 7.x versions:
1. Restart SB Studio.
2. Stop and restart all '
sbd' server instances so the new JAR is used.