How to assign all case instructions generated by SSOLITE stored procedures to a dedicated iProcess Engine bgmboxqueue
Article ID: KB0078271
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TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle)
It is possible to create a new database message queue and Mbox set in order to assign only those instructions generated by the SSOLITE stored procedures. Dedicated BG processes are assigned to process the case instructions on the dedicated Mbox set.
This can prevent a large build-up of instructions in the default BG message queues.
This article details creating a new message queue and Mbox set for assigning SSOLITE stored procedure instructions to enable dedicated BG process processing.
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) - all versions
The following can be used to create a new Mbox set and message queue for SSOLITE instructions.
1). Use SQLPLUS to connect to the Oracle instance.
substitue SWUSER with the iProcess foreground database user
6). Commit the changes, disconnect and exit Oracle.
commit; disconnect; exit;
7). Create a new MBOX set called SSOLITE
Run the iProcess command:
swadm add_mboxset SSOLITE Local
8). Create a new queue called SSOLITE
Run the iProcess command:
swadm ADD_QUEUE SSOLITE Local 0001::bgmboxtable3:bgmboxqueue3
9). Add the SSOLITE queue to the SSOLITE Mbox set.
Run the iProcess command “swadm show_mboxsets” to get the number of the SSOLITE mboxset Run the iProcess command “swadm show_queues” to get the number of the SSOLITE queue
To add the queue to the Mbox set run the iProcess command:
where 6 is the number of the Mbox set and 7 is the number of the message queue
10). Create 4 new BG process.
Run the iProcess commands:
swadm add_process 1 BG Y swadm add_process 1 BG Y swadm add_process 1 BG Y swadm add_process 1 BG Y (additional BG processes can be added depending on the required throughput)
11). Configure the four new BG processes to work from the SSOLITE mbpxset.
Run the iProcess command “swadm show_mboxsets” to get the number of the SSOLITE mboxset Run the iProcess command “swadm show_processes” to get the number of the 4 new BG processes
In this example the SSOLITE mboxset is number 6. The four new BG processes are 5,6,7 & 8
Assign the BG to read from the SSOLITE queue using the iProcess commands: