By default TIBCO Spotfire Server is not set to start on boot on the supported Linux machines. Below are the steps to have a program or script start on boot on a Linux machine, if you use the RPM install package.
- Become root user on your Linux server
- Create or copy your script under /etc/init.d/
- You can set it to boot by running either one of these commands (on Redhat). Recommended for Redhat 7 or newer:
systemctl enable tss-versionnumber
For example:
systemctl enable tss-10.3.0
Or alternatively:
chkconfig --add tss-versionnumber
chkconfig tss-versionnumber on
4. Confirm script is added successfully with --list
chkconfig --list tss-versionnumber
5. This script will be called to start services on Linux boot.
Note: In case you need to disable auto-start, then you can use the following commands:
systemctl disable tss-versionnumber
chkconfig tss-versionnumber off