How to avoid the Action Handler Error while using TIBCO Schema Registry with the Kafka Flogo Connector during connection

How to avoid the Action Handler Error while using TIBCO Schema Registry with the Kafka Flogo Connector during connection


Article ID: KB0072091


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Flogo Connector for Apache Kafka 1.2.0


Please find the steps to launch TIBCO Schema Registry :

Start all the required servers :

1) Start Zookeeper
<TIBCO_HOME>/akd/core/<version>/bin/zookeeper-server-start.bat   <TIBCO_HOME>/akd/core/<version>config/

2) Start Broker
<TIBCO_HOME>/akd/core/<version>/bin/kafka-server-start.bat  <TIBCO_HOME>/akd/core/<version>config/

3) Start ftl
<TIBCO_HOME>\ftl\<version>\bin>tibftlserver.exe -ht <your_IP>:<port> --auth.url file://<path_to_auth.list> (this is in case of ftl version 5.4)

<TIBCO_HOME>\ftl\<version>\bin>tibftlserver.exe -n <name>@<your_IP>:<port> --auth.url file://<path_to_auth.list> (this is in case of ftl version 6.3)

4) Start Schema-Registry
<TIBCO_HOME>akd/repo/<version>/bin/tibschemad.exe -ftl http://your_IP:<port on which ftl server is running>

Open Schema Registry Swagger endpoint in the browser -


Register the subject 

Go to the option 

POST   /subjects/{subject}/version/s Add the request schema as the next version in the subject

In case if the FTL server is started with the localhost and instead of the port for the FTL server, the redirecting URL is provided in the "Schema Registry URL"  then the problem of the "Action Handler" occurrs while establishing the connection for the Kafka Connector.

Please find the screenshot below -

User-added image



In this Article, the steps to launch TIBCO Schema Registry are mentioned and also few detailed steps to avoid the "Action Handler" error while launching TIBCO Schema Registry with Kafka Connector in Flogo environment are provided along with the reason.


All Environment


In order to resolve the problem of the "Action Handeler" while establishing the connection for the Kafka Connector in Flogo environment make sure that you run the FTL server on your IP address and not on the local host.
In the Schema Registry URL option for the Kafka Connection, the value should be provided in the below format -

http://<your_ip>:<port on which FTL is running>/schema/v1

Although, we can access the Swagger URL for TIBCO Schema Registry through the localhost but to reach it from the studio container we need to use the IP Address.



How to avoid the Action Handler Error while using TIBCO Schema Registry with the Kafka Flogo Connector during connection get_app
How to avoid the Action Handler Error while using TIBCO Schema Registry with the Kafka Flogo Connector during connection get_app