How to break down descriptive analysis by group in the workspace mode?

How to break down descriptive analysis by group in the workspace mode?


Article ID: KB0074359


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.7 and higher


This article demonstrates an example to break down descriptive analysis by groups in the workspace mode.


How to break down descriptive analysis by group in the workspace mode?




1. Under Statistica menu "File | Open Examples",  open "Adstudy.sta" from the "Datasets folder" and add it to the workspace from "Home" Tab

2. Click "Statistics | Basic Statistics | Breakdown Non-Factorial Tables", and connect this node with the input spreadsheet

3. Click the wheel icon on top left of the "Breakdown Non-Factorial Tables" node to edit parameters 

4. Under "Specifications | Quick" tab, click "Variables:" to select the "Dependent" variables and "Grouping" variables and select appropriate options

5. Under "Results | Descriptive" tab, select "statistics" to be computed

6. Under "Downstream" tab, select "Breakdown Descriptives" if you need create a downstream spreadsheet from the summary results that can be further connected to other nodes.

7. After the node is configured, click "OK" to return to the workspace and click the green arrow on bottom left of the analysis node to run analysis

8. After running the analysis node, a document icon is displayed on the bottom right (circled in red) and it indicates that a downstream spreadsheet is generated. Click the document icon to view it or connect it with other nodes (e.g. another sort node is connected with the downstream spreadsheet)