Follow the steps below:
1. Disable the default BE logging configuration. In the CDD editor in Studio, go to the '
Collections' tab, and select
logConfig'. In the configuration options, un-check the '
Enable' checkbox. This will disable the default logging configuration, which you must now replace with a custom logging configuration. Note that a logging configuration is already provided in your BE installation under
2. Although you may edit the BE-provided logging configuration in-place, it is recommended that you instead specify the path to your custom logging configuration in your project's CDD file under the '
Cluster' tab. Add the cluster-level property as follows (note the property name and path syntax is different, depending on your BE version):
- For BE 5.6: log4j.configuration=file:C:/logconfigs/log4j.xml
- For BE 6.1: log4j.configurationFile=file:///C:/logconfigs/log4j2.xml
3. For BE 5.6, no further configuration is needed, as the necessary slf4j-log4j bridge is already provided in your installation under
%BE_HOME%/lib/ext/tpcl/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.28.jar. For BE 6.1, you will need to obtain the
updated binding for log4j v2 from Maven Central:
4. Add the
log4j-slf4j-impl-2.0.2.jar to the front of the classpath. You can do this with the 'tibco.env.CUSTOM_EXT_PREPEND_CP' property in your BE engine TRA file:
tibco.env.CUSTOM_EXT_PREPEND_CP=C:/jars/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.0.2.jarYou are now configured to emit slf4j logging messages via log4j.