1. Click File|Open Examples|Datasets|CreditRisk.sta, this will open the CreditRisk spreadsheet in Statistica.
2. Click Home|Add Workspace|Add to New Workspace.
3. Under Data Mining, click "Boosted Trees"|"Boosted Classification Trees" and connect the node with the input spreadsheet node.
4. Double click Boosted Classification Trees node to configure the node.
5. Click Variables to select variables. To simplify the example, select "Credit Standing" as the Dependent Variable, "Purpose", "Employment", "Gender", "Housing" and"Jobs" as "Categorical predictors", and then "Age" as Continuous predictors.
Please note the body of the SOAP request is treated as a single case of data to match to the columns of the input dataset in the workspace, and similarly for output. Due to that those XML elements can't have spaces, the names of the input predictor variables can't have spaces. You will need to rename predictors in such scenarios.
6. Click Downstream to select "Predicted Values" as the output document for downstream and keep other options as default.
7. Click "Run All" to run the workspace.
8. Disconnect the "CreditRisk" input data with the "Boosted Classification Tree" node and reconnect it with the "Rapid Deployment" node.
9. Under "Rapid Deployment" node|Quick, select "Predict case(s) with missing data inputs".
10. Under "Rapid Deployment" node|Downstream, select "Input data, predictions and residuals" as the Downstream document. Click "OK".
11. Right-click "CreditRisk" spreadsheet node and select "Input Node".
12. Right-click "Rapid Deployment" and select "Output Node".
13. Run the modified workspace and click "Deploy" to save the workspace under Enterprise. This will save the workspace to the Enterprise metadatabase.
14. In the SOAP UI, create a SOAP request based on the example wsdl file "Live Score Sample.wsdl" and fill in the predictors' value as needed to file a scoring request for a single record. This scoring outcome will return the predicted output.