Overview - ISOLATION (DB2); Each RDBMS protects data being read by one user from changes (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) made by others. The isolation level setting governs the duration of the protection.
level : CS is
Cursor Stability, the default. Releases shared locks as the cursor moves on in the table. Use for read-only requests.
RR is
Repeatable Read. Use for MODIFY and Maintain read/write routines. Locks the retrieved data until it is released by an SQL COMMIT WORK or SQL ROLLBACK WORK.
UR is
Uncommitted Read. It provides read-only access to records even if they are locked. However, these records may not yet be committed to the database.
RS is
Read Stability. For more information, see the DB2 Command and Utility Reference.
blank resets the level to the adapter default.
Resolution: Can be changed in the "
Alternatively, if a DB2 adapter configured, this setting may also be in the "
Change settings" of the adapter (right mouse click on the DB2 adapter and select "
Change settings", not "
properties"). On changing it there, it will be added to the "
Click '
?' Help to see the overview: