How to change the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player error reporting email address

How to change the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player error reporting email address


Article ID: KB0077011


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Web Player All Versions


This article describes how to change the error reporting email address where emails will be sent if a user chooses to report an issue to the administrator. 


This article describes what is the setting that is used to change the error reporting email address in web.config file


For 7.5 and higher, we set the email address in "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config" file. Do the following on the TIBCO Spotfire Server computer:

1. Export and open the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config file for editing by using export-service-command
2. In Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.config, locate the following section and set "" for emailAddress  :
        emailAddress="" maxMailLength="1000"
        dumpToolPath ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\cdb.exe"
        dumpToolFlagsSmall="-c &quot;.dump /mhtpFidcu {0};q&quot; -p {1}"
        dumpToolFlagsLarge="-c &quot;.dump /ma {0};q&quot; -p {1}"/>
3. Save the file and then import it back to the server by using the import-service-config command.
4. Assign the updated configuration to the services by using the set-service-config command

For 7.0 and lower, we can set the email address in Web Player's config file. The location of the web.config file is by default: C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Spotfire Web Player\7.0.0\webroot\Web.config.

Below is the setting in web.config file that is used to change the email address:
<errorReporting emailAddress="" maxMailLength="1000" automaticallyShutDownAfterStartupFailureAfterMinutes="5" />

Additional Information

Doc (7.5 and higher): Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Web.Config Doc (7.0 and lower): TIBCO Spotfire Web Player 7.0 Installation and Configuration Manual > 6.2.1 Setup Element