How to change the timezone on TIBCO Data Virtualization Server for Windows?

How to change the timezone on TIBCO Data Virtualization Server for Windows?


Article ID: KB0073601


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


This article explains the steps to be followed to change the timezone on TIBCO Data Virtualization (TDV) server for Windows platform. 


How to change the timezone on TIBCO Data Virtualization Server for Windows?


Operating System: Windows


1. Navigate to <TDV_Server_install_dir>\conf folder. 
2. Copy script_env.bat.sample to script_env.bat in the same folder.
3. Open script_env.bat in a text editor and uncomment (remove “rem” for Windows) the line that contains:rem set CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS
4. Change the value of CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS to include all the values in VM_ARGS from \bin\composite_server.bat file.

(a) Retrieve the platform specific value of VM_ARGS from \bin\composite_server.bat. Find the first “set VM_ARGS” line in that script and use the values from that line.

(b) Paste this value in the script_env.bat for CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS.

composite_server.bat file for reference:

User-added image

(c) Add a JVM argument  -Duser.timezone=UTC at the end of this value to change the timezone. (This is an example for changing the timezone to UTC)

(d) Replace the %CONF_INSTALL_DIR% argument with the actual path of your TDV Installation directory (no quotes) and the %MIN_MEMORY% and %MAX_MEMORY% arguments with the exact values. (The exact values can be found in the composite_server.bat file)

Example for reference: 
 set CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS=-server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:/Program Files/TIBCO/TDV Server 8.1-9430/logs -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Duser.timezone=UTC -Xms512m -Xmx2048m

script_env.bat for reference:

User-added image
5. Restart the TDV Server.
6. To check if the change is made successfully, open TDV Studio > Administration > Configuration > Server > Configuration > General Information > Time Zone and this value should show the changed timezone.

User-added image
Also, Manager tab on TDV Studio should show you the changed time in the lower right corner:
User-added image

The CIS_SERVER_VM_ARGS value in script_env.bat file overrides the VM_ARGS value in composite_server.bat file on server restart.