How to clone a Tibco DV server instance (on linux)

How to clone a Tibco DV server instance (on linux)


Article ID: KB0082318


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.0 and later


For rare cases, Tibco Support may consider this complete cloning of your server for troubleshooting here if necessary.
Restoring with a Full Backup .car file is not a complete cloning, it only contains meta and the supporting config files.

These are the steps we would have to prepare for:
  1. Customer should create a temporary TDV user with admin privs for our use later.
  2. Customer will have to TAR their entire installation and ship to us.
  3. After producing the TAR file, customer can delete the temp user from step# 1.
  4. On the destination linux host at Tibco, manually create (MKDIR) the same file path the customer used for their TDV install <home dir>
  5. With the customer’s tar file, run a tar –xvf in the <home dir> location.
  6. ‘cd’ to /repository and run a CHOWN on the ‘data’ dir, to match ownership of yourself (the linux user).
  7. Run a CHMOD on everything underneath to be read-write-execute (0700).
  8. Start Postgres like this:  .repository/bin/postgres -D <path of TDV home dir>/repository/data
  9. If this is TDV version 7.0.5 or earlier, manually edit /conf/server/license.lic file and replace contents with the non-node locked keys that we use internally in support.
  10. Start TDV service:  /bin/ monitor start
  11. Login from Studio with that temp user created in step #1 to verify service availability.


This discusses the cloning of a server instance if support needs to replicate a customer's install.