How to combine the event info from two parallel stream into one and trigger 3rd one?

How to combine the event info from two parallel stream into one and trigger 3rd one?


Article ID: KB0080716


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization TIBCO Data Virtualization, 7.0.7,All, 7.0.7,All,


 I have cache view on top of cache views, one question is if the dependent cache views has more than one and we want to run parallel, how do we combine the complete event from 2+ into the one trigger the combine view refresh?


How to combine the event info from two parallel stream into one and trigger 3rd one?


You  may have to use Pre-Refresh Action to meet your need. Please see following screen;

full refresh
Also, You have to write a procedure to invoke refresh for dependent cached views in a procedure;
call “/lib/resource/RefreshResourceCache” in procedure;
However you can check the refresh status from two different data source (pre-requisite) and make sure both of them have complete before the next step refresh.
You can verify  the status of the refreshes in SYS_CACHES.

for example /shared/examples/ViewOrder, I do a cache for this view..
ViewOrder uses /shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/customers, /shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/orderdetails and /shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/orderdetails
I can create a procedure name p1 and specify it with:
  -- Add your code here
call /lib/resource/RefreshResourceCache('/shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/customers','TABLE');
call /lib/resource/RefreshResourceCache('/shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/orderdetails','TABLE');
call /lib/resource/RefreshResourceCache('/shared/examples/ds_orders/tutorial/orders','TABLE');
Then in ViewOrder cache tab, specify p1 in Pre-Refresh Action.
Then if I refresh ViewOrder view, then 3 tables will be refreshed first.