Installing Active MQ and Starting MQ Server.
->Download Active MQ from URL:
Select Windows distribution inside latest stable version
To start the ActiveMQ goto bin directory after extracting the downloaded Zip file.(Make Sure you have Java executable in $PATH system varaiable/environment Variable)
In latest Versions, there are subfolders names win32 and win64 and depending on your hardware you need to navigate to one of these folder to run "activemq start" command
Fire the command activemq start to start the server
Once the server is Up, go to http://localhost:8161/admin , default credentials are admin/admin.
Creating a Sample Queue:
Go to queues tab and enter the name of the queue and click “Create”.
Configuring ActiveMq as Custom JMS Provider. Create JMS connection resource, update connection factories and create a new JNDI Configuration.
Default activemq connection factories are QueueConnectionFactory and TopicConnectionFactory.
Enter the below values for JNDI configuration.
Initial Context Factory:org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
Naming Provider URL:tcp://localhost:61616
Now go to Windows-->Preferences-->Directory Preference and select the folder which has
activemq-all-5.15.7 jar(You will get this Jar in ActiveMQ installed location)
Provide the credentials: Default ActiveMQ credentials are admin/admin
Click Test Connection and click Yes-->Next-->Next-->Finish.
Once Finished , you will find com.tibco.custom.jms.provider package in your project which has the
activemq-all-5.15.7.jar file and connection is established
To run the projects with Custom JMS with select the activemq bundle from Debug/Run Configurations.
Usually it will be the first bundle under Workspace. Select it , Apply and run it.
Sample Project logs of JMS Sender and Receiver.
Exporting plugin project as jar and copying it to /bw/$version/system/shared will help in runtime. Please raise a case with TIBCO Support if you are stuck at any point with reference to this article.