How to configure Java for the TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) Client

How to configure Java for the TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) Client


Article ID: KB0082997


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Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Workspace (Windows) -
TIBCO iProcess Decisions Client Plug-in -


In order to resolve the plug-in error "Failed to connect ...eaijava",  we had set the PATH system variable for the Java client (jvm.dll). Due to this, other applications using other version of Java are impacted. Is there a provision to set the environment of the TIBCO iProcess similar to SW_CLIENTCLASSPATH ? This will resolve issues for other applications and also TIBCO Windows Workspace will have its own Java available.


In order to resolve the plugin error "Failed to connect ...eaijava" we set the PATH system variable for the Java client (jvm.dll). Due to this, other applications using other versions of Java are impacted. Is there a provision to set the environment of the TIBCO iProcess similar to SW_CLIENTCLASSPATH ? This will resolve issues for other applications and also TIBCO Windows Workspace will have its own Java available.


Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10 64-bit


For Java based plug-ins in the iProcess Workspace (Windows), the client needs to create a Java Virtual Machine in order to run Java code. To create the JVM, the iProcess client must have access to jvm.dll. Normally this is provided in the PATH environment variable. This can be set per machine or on a user basis. The SW_CLIENTCLASSPATH environment variable is used by iProcess after the JVM has been created to start the loading process. You can set the PATH in the USER variables rather than in the system variables.
If the same user needs to run software that requires a different version of Java, then you need to do the following.

1). Remove the iProcess Java settings from the user or system environment variables.
2). Create a cmd file that sets the environment variables the starts the iProcess client.
3). Start iProcess using a shortcut to the cmd file create in step 2 above.


My iProcess Workspace (Windows) client is installed in the folder C:\clients\work1160heket and is started using the connection name "Default".

The connection information is stored in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Staffware plc\Stafware client. Each key under the location represents connection information to an iProcess Engine. The name of the key can be used when starting the iProcess Workspace (Windows) client. The example will use the key / connection called "Default".

For the example, create the file C:\clients\work1160heket\start.cmd containing the following lines.

cd C:\clients\work1160heket
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_66"
set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\client;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
set SW_CLIENTCLASSPATH=C:\clients\work1160heket\eai_bw\libs\bootstrap\bootstrap.jar;C:\clients\work1160heket\eai_bw\libs\bootstrap\log4j-1.2.13.jar
start staffw.exe  Default
Create a shortcut to the start.cmd file and start the iProcess client using the new shortcut. The cmd file will set the environment variables and start the iProcess client.