First, create a security policy file for your BE cluster using the as-admin command:
create security_policy policy_name "BE/AWSEC2" policy_file "BEpolicy.txt"
Here, we have created a policy file named 'BEpolicy.txt', where:
- Policy Name = BE
- Domain Name = AWSEC2
Edit this file to specify the correct value for metaspace_access. For example:
..where 'fdcache' is the cluster name specified in your CDD, which uses discovery port 50000.Next, create a security token identity for any secondary (Requestor) nodes:
create security_token domain_name "AWSEC2" policy_file "BEpolicy.txt" create_identity token_file "RequestorToken.txt"
This token will be used by any Requestor nodes that will be joining the cluster. Again, edit this file to specify the correct value for metaspace_access, as shown above.
Next, enable security for the <cache-manger> in your CDD, and reference the above policy and token files:
<security enabled="true">
<property name="policy-file" value="/opt/tibco/as/2.4/bin/BEpolicy.txt"/>
<property name="policy-identity-password" value="#!FLPBjxBKDxw3LU4QVH9q4YcGnZtBRSTS14rZubxb16o="/>
<property name="token-file" value="/opt/tibco/as/2.4/bin/RequestorToken.txt"/>
<property name="token-identity-password" value="#!FLPBjxBKDxw3LU4QVH9q4YcGnZtBRSTS14rZubxb16o="/>
<property name="certificate-key-file" value=""/>
<property name="domain-name" value="AWSEC2"/>
<property name="user-name" value=""/>
<property name="user-password" value=""/>
For the Cache Processing Unit that you wish to designate as the Controller node, set the property in the CDD to 'controller':
<processing-unit id="cache">
<property name="" value="tcp://"/>
<property name="" value="controller"/>
Then on any Requestor machines (whether they be Cache or Inference processing units), set the property in the CDD to 'requestor'. For example, an Inference configuration would look like the following:
<processing-unit id="default">
<property name="" value="tcp://"/>
<property name="" value="requestor"/>
You are now configured to use transport security.