Products | Versions |
TIBCO Data Virtualization | 8.0 and higher |
This article lists the steps needed to configure a Power BI DSN to use encryption.
The steps to configure a Power BI DSN to use encryption are below.
1. If you have not already done so, install the Power BI driver. By default, the driver is installed in the folder C:\Program Files\TIBCO\Power BI Connector for TIBCO(R) Data Virtualization
2. Bring up the Microsoft ODBC Manager, and create a System DSN. Select "Power BI Connector for TIBCO(R) Data Virtualization" as the driver.
3. Enter values in the following fields. Enter base port + 3 as the port. For instance, if your TDV server is running at 9400, you would enter 9403 as the port. Set the Encrypt field to true.
Data Source
4. Run the keytool command on your TDV keystore and extract either the MD5 or the SHA1 thumbprint from the output as shown in the example below. Set the value of the "SSL Server Cert" parameter to this thumbprint.
C:\apps\tdv_80\jre\bin\keytool -list -v -keystore C:\apps\tdv_80\conf\server\security\cis_server_keystore.jks -storepass changeit
Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Alias name: cis_server
Creation date: Nov 9, 2017
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=cis_server, OU=engineering, O=TIBCO Software Inc, L=Palo Alto, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer: CN=cis_server, OU=engineering, O=TIBCO Software Inc, L=Palo Alto, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: 5a04e2b4
Valid from: Thu Nov 09 15:20:20 PST 2017 until: Tue Nov 09 15:20:20 PST 2027
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: A3:C1:D3:CE:D1:25:6E:F8:C3:A7:09:96:AE:05:BE:65
SHA1: 02:66:FD:6D:19:89:06:2C:2D:95:C9:09:CC:CE:7C:38:13:91:17:CB
SHA256: E7:91:3B:28:E1:D1:9B:25:90:E6:EB:34:B8:7B:21:7D:80:C1:71:4D:48:7C:BE:D3:62:37:2B:15:56:CB:9D:9B
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
5. Using the above example, your DSN settings would be similar to the following:
Data Source : examples
Domain : composite
Port : 9403
User : admin
Password : admin1
Encrypt : true
SSL Server Cert : A3:C1:D3:CE:D1:25:6E:F8:C3:A7:09:96:AE:05:BE:65
6. Click the "Test Connection" button to verify that the DSN works.