How to configure a custom location for the AttachmentManager temp folder when using the export/import commands run by config.bat like "export-library-content"

How to configure a custom location for the AttachmentManager temp folder when using the export/import commands run by config.bat like "export-library-content"


Article ID: KB0076629


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.5 and higher


By default, when you execute 'export-libray-content' command via command line, AttachmentManager is created in the system temp folder (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp). At times, this may cause issues if the .tmp files are extremely large and there is insufficient disk space on the primary system disk. To workaround this issue, you can use the following resolution to have the AttachmentManager folder located anywhere that you have enough disk space. In this example, the directory "<server-installation>\tomcat\temp" is used, although any path can be used.


How to configure a custom location for the AttachmentManager temp folder when using the export/import commands run by config.bat like "export-library-content"


1) Open the Config.bat and add the below line at "rem Run the configuration tool" section, and enter the desired custom desired path. For example:"%TSS_HOME%\temp"

After the changes, it should resemble something as below:
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -classpath "%CLASSPATH%"
-Dlog4j.configurationFile="%TSS_HOME%\spotfire-config\log4j2-tools.xml" com.spotfire.server.config.tool.ConfigApp %*

2) Save the file and execute the command "config export-library-content".

This time it will by default create an AttachmentManager temp file in the \tomcat\temp\ folder.

Additional Information

Doc: export-library-content