How to configure email for batch completion in Webstatistica
Article ID: KB0083506
Updated On:
Spotfire Statistica
Webstatistica can be configured to send an email on completion of scheduled task by a WebStatistica administrator.
Prerequisites : The user performing configuring this operation must be part of SWS_ADMIN group and must have Enterprise permissions to login to WebStatistica. SMTP Host information is necessary before hand.
This article details how to configure webstatistica to email on batch completion.
This is a two-step process : 1. Setting SMTP information 2. Enabling Webstatistica notification on batch completion
1. Setting SMTP information : There are two ways to enter the SMTP information.
Option 1: Needs access to Webstatistica Server. a. Logon to the Webstatistica server and launch All Programs->WebSTATISTICA->Administration and navigate to Settings | Email b. Configure the below settings and click ok:
smtphost: out-going email server name, e.g.
smtpsender: email address to use as source. e.g.
phphost: URL to WebSTATISTICA server. This will appear as a link in the body of the email. Example: http://ServerName (fqdn) /webstatistica/main.php
Option 2: User making the change must be part of SWS_ADMIN
a. Login to Webstatistica and navigate to Tools| For Administrators |System Configurations and select the Email tab
b. Enter below information
smtphost: out-going email server name, e.g.
smtpsender: email address to use as source. e.g.
phphost: URL to WebStatistica server. This will appear as a link in the body of the email. Example: http://ServerName (fqdn) /webstatistica/main.php
c. Click on OK
2. Enabling Webstatistica notification on batch completion :
a.Log in to WebStatistica as an administrator (member of SWS_ADMIN), and navigate to Tools | Administrator Tools | Global Options. b.Select the “Batch” tab and select True for the option : "Notify by email when Batch job is completed" and specify the email address that is to be notified. c.Then click “Apply”.
Note : The above mentioned Options in Step 2 can be configured differently (different email addresses) for each WebStatistica User by clicking on Edit User Options.
Once configured, users will be notified of batch job completion with a link to the batch job results.