- A suitable JDBC driver must be available on the machine where Designer or BW application is running. The driver, MariaDB Connector/J, can be downloaded from
- The certificates needed for server authentication must be available on the machine where Designer or BW application is running.
- If mutual authentication is enabled, client's (driver) private key and certificate must be available on the machine where Designer or BW application is running. This is required for client authentication.
Note: In the configuration discussed below, Java keystores are used to store the certificates for server authentication and client's private key and certificate. Information on other configuration options can be found at
Configuration1. Add the driver to classpath
Add the location of driver JAR file to the classpath
Add the driver JAR file to one of the locations in the classpath
2. Configure 'JDBC Connection' shared resource as follows:
a. Do not select any driver from the dropdown
b. Set 'JDBC Driver' to org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver
c. Set 'Database URL' to jdbc:mariadb://host:port/database?useSSL=true&trustStore=truststore_location&trustStorePassword=truststore_password&keyStore=keystore_location&keyStorePassword=keystore_password
host - DB server host
port - DB server port
database - Database name
truststore_location - location of Java keystore file containing certificates needed for server authentication
truststore_password - password for truststore
keystore_location - location of Java keystore file containing client's private key and certificate
keystore_password - password for keystore
For example,
d. Set 'User Name' and 'Password' to appropriate values
Information on additional URL parameters, including SSL-related parameters, can be found at