How to connect to MySQL database through Statistica Query builder with MySQL .NET connector?

How to connect to MySQL database through Statistica Query builder with MySQL .NET connector?


Article ID: KB0079265


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0 and higher


Statistica supports connection to MySQL database with MySQL ADO.NET driver or MySQL ODBC driver.
This article demonstrates how to connect to MySQL database with MySQL NET connector through Statistica Query Builder. 


How to connect to MySQL database through Statistica Query builder with MySQL ADO.NET driver?




1. Download and install MySQL ADO.NET connector if it has not been installed with your MySQL server:

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2. Go to Statistica menu "Home | Open | Open External Data | Create Query", and click on "New 3rd ADO.NET" in the Database Connection dialog.
In the popped up dialog, choose "MySql Connector/Net" from the drop-down options for "Provider". 
Enter your MySQL Server address, Database name, User ID and Password in the "Connection string" text box. 
Give a name for your MySQL database connection.
Click on "Test" to test the connection. 
Click Ok to save the database connection in Statistica. 
The saved MySQL database connection will be listed in the Database connection dialog.

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3. In the Database Connection dialog, select the saved connection and Click Ok to open the database connection. The data tables stored in the connected MySQL database are listed on the left panel of the Statistica Query dialog. User can add the data tables or manipulate the data with custom SQL query to be imported to Statistica for analysis. 

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