How to connect to onpremise Oracle RAC database from TCI via TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent)

How to connect to onpremise Oracle RAC database from TCI via TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent)


Article ID: KB0072346


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TIBCO Cloud -


TIBCO Cloud™ Integration could connect to services running on-premise in your network via the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent). With the Hybrid Agent, your Apps in TIBCO Cloud™ Integration could access the on-premise services without opening ports on the public internet. This article describes how to setup the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent)  to connect to the local Oracle RAC database.


How to connect to onpremise Oracle RAC database from TCI via TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent)


TIBCO Cloud Integration



1. Download and install Studio for BusinessWorks.

2. Download the TIBCO Cloud™ Integration - Hybrid Agent (tibagent) t binary and create the access key.

Steps to configure and connect to on-premise Oracle RAC DB  on TCI using Hybrid agent

1. Create accessKey

To create a new accessKey follow the steps in the documentation and copy accessSecret.

2. Design your application using a JDBC pallet in the studio that is connecting to an Oracle RAC Database and create an Enterprise Archive(EAR)

3. Push the JDBC application to the TCI cloud and attach the ACCESS_KEY to it created in step 1.

4. Configure Hybrid agent

tibagent configure agent Oracleagent

tibagent configure connect --accessSecret abcdefgh1234567890--accessKey oracletest Oracleagent

5.  Configure connect and store accessSecret created in step 1 

6.  Start tibagent using the specs

example: tibagent start agent --spec 1521:<clusterURL>:1521 --spec 1521:<scanVIP1>:1521 --spec 1521:<ScanVIP2>:1521 Oracleagent

Note: To establish connectivity to the on-premise Oracle RAC database from TCI via tibagent we need to specify the Scan VIPs along with the Cluster URL in the tibagent specs. Please see Reference section on how to find the Scan VIP details.

7.  Scale up the JDBC application.

Additional Information

  1. How Virtual IP (VIP) and scan works in RAC -
  2. How to find the SCAN VIP details:
  •  Run the below SQL queries (need DBA access)
    select instance_name,host_name from gv$instance
    select name,value from gv$parameter where name like '%listener%'
    select type,value from gv$listener_network
  • Above queries should provide information about the number of nodes, hosts and ports information configured in the Oracle RAC. For the Scan VIPs use the host and port information for the type LOCAL_LISTNER from the query results.