To achieve this you can use either of the two approaches:
Option 1) Use an unpivot transformation and transform the 4 year columns to one column:
Select Insert > Transformations...
Added transformations
Transformation name: Unpivot
Columns to pass through: Region
Columns to transform:
Category column name: Year
Category column data type: String
Value column name: Value
Value column data type: Integer
Empty values included: No
Then then calculate the value for each year value using an OVER function in an expression like:
Count() over ([Value])
Option 2) Use a regular expression function like RXReplace() in a calculated column:
+ Len(RXReplace(RXReplace(Concatenate([Year2]),String([Year1]),"$","g"),"[^$]","","g"))
+ Len(RXReplace(RXReplace(Concatenate([Year3]),String([Year1]),"$","g"),"[^$]","","g"))
+ Len(RXReplace(RXReplace(Concatenate([Year4]),String([Year1]),"$","g"),"[^$]","","g"))
Explanation: First concatenate the values in each year column, then search for the Year1 value in that concatenated set. If the Year1 value exists then replace it with a $ character (or other unique single character not present in the values) for all occurrences. Then perform the replace operation again where everything except $ is replaced with the empty set "". At this point the string is only left with $ characters, one for each occurrence, which can be easily counted. Use the Len() function to sum it up across each column to get total year value occurrence.