How to create a graph with both positive and negative values represented on both sides of the X-axis?

How to create a graph with both positive and negative values represented on both sides of the X-axis?


Article ID: KB0074320


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.7 and later


This article contains instructions on how to create a graph (bar, line, etc.) that contains positive and negative values that can fall on either side of the X-axis. This would allow for the X-axis to be moved toward the center of the graph, so negative values would fall below and positive values would raise above the axis. 



How to create a graph with both positive and negative values represented on both sides of the X-axis?


To create a graph with values on both sides of the axis:

1. Create a graph (bar, line, etc.).

2. Double click on the graph to open the Graph Options window.

3. Once the Graph Options window appears,  locate the Bars subgroup within the Plot group in the menu tree.

4. Change the Orientation to Deviation Level.

5. Click the OK button to update the graph with the chosen graph options.User-added image