How to create a new draft map from the master map

How to create a new draft map from the master map


Article ID: KB0072097


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus Applicable to all versions


These steps can be used if the draft map is corrupted and there is no backup, or if we want to create a new draft from the master map.


How to create a new draft map from the master map


Test and Production


We can follow the below steps to create a new draft map from the existing master map.

-- Open Master map and go to Map -> Map properties
-- Go to the options tab and used the Remove Draft copy option to remove the existing draft map
-- Click on create a new draft and then click on OK (this will create a new draft map from the master map)

Additional Information

Replace draft with master
Create a new draft from masterĀ 


How to create a new draft map from the master map get_app