How to create multiple instances of TEA servers within the same installation environment

How to create multiple instances of TEA servers within the same installation environment


Article ID: KB0084161


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Enterprise Administrator (TEA) 2.2.0


Example of steps to create a new instance of TEA server using port 9377 under the same TEA installation home directory.


How to create multiple instances of TEA servers within the same installation environment.


1). Create a new TEA_CONFIG_HOME directory and configuration files for the new TEA server.

A). Under TEA_CONFIG_HOME (e.g. /home/tibco/TIBCO_HOME_TEA/tibco/cfgmgmt/tea), go one directory up and create a new directory named tea_9377 .

B). Create three directories under tea_9377:




 The original TIBCO_CONF_HOME has the following directories:

conf  data  logs

The new TIBCO_CONF_HOME tea_9377 has identical directories:

conf  data  logs


2). Copy the tea.conf file under TIBCO_CONF_HOME/conf to tea_9377/conf directory and modify the port numbers to unused ports:



3). Copy and rename the new instances of the TEA executable and tea.tra file under TEA_HOME/bin/.  Example of the files follows:

tea  tea9377  tea9377.tra  tea.tra


4). Open tea9377.tra and modify the TEA_CONFIG_HOME to the new configuration directory.

Example: tibco.env.TEA_CONFIG_HOME=/home/tibco/TIBCO_HOME_TEA/tibco/cfgmgmt/tea_9377/

5). Start the new tea9377 server.