How to cross verify if the credentials used for creating new LDAP domain are valid

How to cross verify if the credentials used for creating new LDAP domain are valid


Article ID: KB0080087


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization 7.0.6 and higher


Error Details : Service failure:  ServerError: Invalid login attempt.  [security-1900203] [Log ID: 44923599-a99e-4d7b-a0fb-f66c74aefa19]  [9905002]

The above error prompts when we adding new LDAP domain in TDV.
This error means that the credentials used to create the domain are invalid.
While creating new domain we need,
1) URL to server
2) LDAP login
3) LDAP password 

We need to make sure that above mentioned credentials are correct to investigate the issue further or to create the domain successfully.


This article helps in verifying if the credentials used while creating new LDAP domain are valid when the TDV web manager throws error " Invalid login attempt ".


All supported operating systems.


Resolution :
Follow below steps to make sure that the credentials used to create LDAP domain are correct.

1) Open TDV Studio
2) Click on File>>new
3) Click on create a new data source
4) Search for LDAP and click on next
( A window will prompt asking  connection inforamation for LDAP )
5) Enter the crendentials ( Server URL, Login, Password ) and click on create and introspect.
  • If the credentials are incorrect it will through below error:
    “ ServerError: qa-ds-win-4:389 [Log ID: 22145a29-9546-472f-9aae-c21712888221]  [-1] [Log ID: 19828c9d-b2f6-4171-b209-4a9e8c54a28d]

    This indicates that credentials provided are wrong. You can ask the admin team to check and provide the correct credentials.
  • If  we are able to create the datasource and able to add/remove resources that means the credentials are valid and root cause of the issue is different.