How to custiomise Lifecycle stage names in Systinet 10.x

How to custiomise Lifecycle stage names in Systinet 10.x


Article ID: KB0083396


Updated On:


We develop our custom lifecycle to govern services, this has stage names that are different from the ones defined into the current taxonomy: . Due to this difference into Service browse view into the lifecycle column of the table it is not possible to filter for the new stages name. How can I modify the stage names in the core taxonomies?


We develop our custom lifecycle to govern services. This has stage names that are different from the ones defined into the current taxonomy: Due to this difference into Service browse view into the lifecycle column of the table it is not possible to filter for the new stages name. How can I modify the stage names in the core taxonomies?


Systinet Workbench 10.x on Windows 64-bit


You need to add the custom stage names to the “Lifecycle stage” taxonomy. The following procedure can be used to create a new taxonomy extension.
1). Start Workbench.
2). Create a new taxonomy project.
3). Enter project name and click “Next”.
4). Enter the details for your Systinet server (URL, username and password) and click “Next” .
5). In the”Select Taxonomies” screen, click on “Show System Taxonomies” .
6). Scroll down the list of taxonomies and select “Lifecycle stages” and click “Finish” .
   Select “Yes” to open the Platform perspective.
   A new project is created with the current setting for Lifecycle stages.
7). In the project explorer double click on “Lifecycle stages”.
8). Use the “Categories” tab to enter new stage names .
    Use “Add Next” to add a new stage names to the taxonomy.
    Add all required stage names.
9). Build the taxonomy extension:
   In the Project Explorer – right click on the project name and select:
   HP Systinet -> Build Extension
   Save the extension JAR file to a known location.
10). Install the extension in the Systinet Server.
    Copy the extension JAR file to SYSTNIET_HOME/extensions.
    Run the Systinet Setup utility and run the option “Apply Extensions”.
    This will apply the new Lifecycle stage taxonomy to Systinet.
    The new Lifecycle stages will be available in the filter.