How to customize unit labels for graphs axis?

How to customize unit labels for graphs axis?


Article ID: KB0074364


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.5 SP1 and higher


In Statistica, the Graph Options dialog will enable you to customize your graphs. This article introduces an example to customize axis unit labels through graphs options. 


How to customize unit labels for graphs axis?




1. Under "Graphs | Histogram", create a histogram graph for Iris type based on the Irisdat.sta 

2. Double click the graph background to access graph options.

3. Under "Graph Options | Axis | Custom Units", select X as the Axis on the top

4. On the table, enter in units position, text, value and ect.  

For instance, Position 1, 2 and 3 for the original Iris type labels are replaced with new Text labels "set, ver, vir" in this example

5. Click "Ok" to apply the customized unit labels.

Note: Click "?" at the top right of the dialog, you can access the e-manual for details about these options.