How to define multiple LDAP servers in a StreamBase configuration file

How to define multiple LDAP servers in a StreamBase configuration file


Article ID: KB0081724


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 7.x


You may want to define multiple LDAP servers in your StreamBase configuration, to prevent errors if the currently-selected LDAP server goes offline unexpectedly.


Defining multiple LDAP servers in a StreamBase configuration file


In sbd.sbconf, define multiple servers in different <server> elements, and then include the ldap-server-algorithm to decide the order in which they are chosen.  For example..
         <server host="" port="389">
           <param name="principal-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="principal-search" value="cn={0}"/>
           <param name="root-dn" value="cn=SBLDAPUser,cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="password" value="secret"/>           
           <param name="role-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="role-search" value="(&amp;(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(memberOf=*)(distinguishedName={0}))"/>
           <param name="role-attribute" value="memberOf"/>
         <server host="" port="389">
           <param name="principal-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="principal-search" value="cn={0}"/>
           <param name="root-dn" value="cn=SBLDAPUser,cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="password" value="secret"/>           
           <param name="role-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="role-search" value="(&amp;(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(memberOf=*)(distinguishedName={0}))"/>
           <param name="role-attribute" value="memberOf"/>
To authenticate in a round robin (the default) fashion specify the following:
<param name="ldap-server-alogrithm" value="round-robin"/>
To authenticate against ldap servers until the first successful authentication request then choose the following:
<param name="ldap-server-alogrithm" value="first-hit"/>


Additional Information

Refer to the comments when creating a StreamBase configuration file that is populated with default contents:
           When multiple ldap servers are specified in the config file the following defines
           the order in which the ldap servers are connected for authentication.
           To authenticate in a round robin (the default) fashion specify the following:
           <param name="ldap-server-alogrithm" value="round-robin"/>

           To authenticate against ldap servers until the first succesfully 
              authentication request then choose the following:
           <param name="ldap-server-alogrithm" value="first-hit"/>            

	     Connect to the Active Directory ldap server using root-dn/password credentials.  Roles
	     will be gathered from groups that the user belongs to.  While each user will be authenticated
         using their username/password against the ldap server a StreamBase LDap user must be specified
         so that roles and other things can be retrieved from the LDAP.
         <server host="" port="389">
           <param name="principal-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="principal-search" value="cn={0}"/>
           <param name="root-dn" value="cn=SBLDAPUser,cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="password" value="secret"/>           
           <param name="role-root" value="cn=Users,dc=ldap,dc=example,dc=com"/>
           <param name="role-search" value="(&amp;(objectClass=organizationalPerson)(memberOf=*)(distinguishedName={0}))"/>
           <param name="role-attribute" value="memberOf"/>
