How to define out of control events that cause alarm in Enterprise IQC analysis configuration?

How to define out of control events that cause alarm in Enterprise IQC analysis configuration?


Article ID: KB0074280


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0 and higher


If you have dozens or even hundreds of Analysis configurations, it can be difficult or even impossible to manually run and review all those analyses. Instead, Statistica Monitoring and Alerting Server (MAS) can run those analysis configurations for you. MAS will then alert you to which Analysis Configurations generate alarms, and you can review only those analyses and samples that triggered the alarms. This article shows how to define out of control events in the Analysis Configuration.


How to define out of control events that cause alarm in Statistica Enterprise IQC analysis configuration?




1. Under Analysis Configuration | SPC Characteristics | Characteristics | Alarm, select options to define your out-of-control events.

2. Under "Check for violations", you can define which samples need be checked for alarming events.