How to define the MySQL connection string in Information Designer to use noAccessToProcedureBodies parameter
Article ID: KB0078689
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Spotfire Analyst
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The parameter noAccessToProcedureBodies is used in the JDBC connection string for cases when a procedure is created by another user (DEFINER) which is different than the calling user. If it is set to true and user cannot access the procedure body with SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE or from mysql.proc then the driver will treat all parameters as IN VARCHAR (but still allowing to call registerOutParameter on them) and no exception will be thrown. This may be required when you are creating your MySQL Data Source template in the Information Designer.
This article explains how define the connection string to use the noAccessToProcedureBodies parameter when connecting to MySQL server
The following is an example MySQL JDBC connection string format which includes the noAccessToProcedureBodies parameter: