How to determine what version of the jquery library is used by your Streaming LiveView Web application

How to determine what version of the jquery library is used by your Streaming LiveView Web application


Article ID: KB0072563


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 10.6


Due to a recent security scan for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), our IT Security team has asked us to confirm what version of the jquery library is being used by our Streaming LiveView Web application. How can we confirm the exact version of jquery that is installed so that our Security team can determine if we are exposed to these vulnerabilities?


Outlines the steps needed to confirm the version of the jquery library that is shipped with the Streaming installation. This is useful if/when newly-reported Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) are reported against this library.


In a web browser on a Streaming LiveView Web client machine, navigate to the following URL:


..where <lvweb-server-host> is the hostname or IP address of the LiveView Web server, and <lweb-port> is the listening port for the LiveView Web server (typically set to 10080 or 11080). The version of jquery will be printed near the top of the page. For example..

lvweb jquery version

The above example is from a Streaming 10.6.2 installation running a LiveView Web 1.6.2 application. In this case, jquery 3.5.1 is used.