How to disable generation of JVM Core Dump files for TIBCO Spotfire Service for Python (Python Service)

How to disable generation of JVM Core Dump files for TIBCO Spotfire Service for Python (Python Service)


Article ID: KB0072348


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Products Versions
Spotfire Service for Python All


Large java core dump files ( xxx.mdmp) generated by the Python Service when the JVM process crashes or is not responding can use up a lot of hard disk space / resources in the Node Manager server where Python Service is hosted. This might strain the Node Manager server for Python Service. 

Those JVM core dump files can be manually deleted on a regular basis, or completely disabled by configuring the Python Service. 


TIBCO Spotfire Service for Python (Python Service) runs on JVM processes. Large java core dump files could be generated in the temp folder for Python Service, when JVM process crashes or is not responding. This article describes how to disable the generation of these dump files.




To disable the creation of core dumps for the Python Service, do the following
1.  Add the following option to the configuration ( for the Python Service:


For more details on how to configure the Python Service, please refer to

2. Restart the Python Service to make this change take effect.

Starting from Python Service version 1.3.0 (June 2021), the Python Service has JVM core dump file creation disabled by default with the configuration property "" being TRUE by default
See "Manage Java Options" section in this document:

" TRUE" is equivalent to setting "javaOptions:-XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash" in the configuration file for Python Service. 

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