How to disable option 'keep me logged in' from Spotfire landing page

How to disable option 'keep me logged in' from Spotfire landing page


Article ID: KB0071057


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server 7.5 and higher


This article describes the steps required to disable the option "keep me logged in" from the Spotfire landing page.


The knowledge base article describes how to disable the option "keep me logged in" from the Spotfire landing page.




Configuration changes can be made using the configuration tool or from the command line:

1). Using configuration tool (GUI):
- Launch Spotfire Server configuration tool - in <installation dir>\tomcat\spotfire-bin, run uiconfig.bat (Windows) / (Linux).
- Provide the tool password.
- Navigate to Configuration tab.
- Highlight "persistent sessions".
- Click radio button "No" for Enable "persistent sessions".
- Save the configuration.
- Restart the Spotfire Server service.

2). Using command line (CLI):
- Export the current configuration using the "export-config" command.
- Execute command: "config config-persistent-sessions -e false"  (without quotes).
e.g: C:\tibco\tss\11.4.8\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config config-persistent-sessions -e false.
Output of above command:  Successfully updated the Persistent Sessions configuration.
-  Import this configuration to the database using the "import-config" command.
- Restart the Spotfire server service.

Additional Information

Configuration using the configuration tool, TIBCO Spotfire Server and Environment - Installation and Administration guide
Updating a server configuration on the command line, TIBCO Spotfire Server and Environment - Installation and Administration guide