How to do a Bulk Unassignment of Users

How to do a Bulk Unassignment of Users


Article ID: KB0079126


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Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus -


At present there is no built in functionality that will allow you to perform a bulk unassignment of users, however with a few extra steps, this can easily be performed.


How to do a Bulk Unassignment of Users


Please follow the below steps:
  1. Create a new user group called "To Be Unassigned" (or similar).
  2. Import your users, being sure to select the option to update group membership. In the CSV file, make sure that the users have the "To Be Unassigned" group as part of their import.
  3. Once the import has been completed, go to the group.
  4. Select any member of the group and press Ctrl + A to select all members.
  5. You can then right click and delete all of the users in that group.