The selectable versions of a sample in Studio's sample importer may not match your current Studio version. This can be caused by an incomplete download of the remote repositories, possibly due to a network error when downloading previously.
To refresh your copy of the samples using Studio: 1. Open the "
Import Samples" dialog from menu:
File > Import Samples and Community Content... 2. Click the "
Pull from remote repositories now" link.
3. Check the "
Select Versions >" page to make sure a version matching your Studio version appears.
4. Complete the import using "
Import Now".
To manually obtain the version matching your Studio version: 1. Open your web browser to the "tibco-streaming-samples" webpage: 2. Change the branch selection from "
master" to your preferred version.
3. Click on the green "
Code v" button and select "
Download ZIP" and save to your computer.
4. Extract the "tibco-streaming-samples-*.zip" file.
5. In your file explorer, find the folder of the sample you want and copy it manually into your Studio workspace.
6. In Studio, use menu:
File > Import... > Maven > Existing Maven Projects.
7. In the dialog, use "
Browse" to your workspace, select the sample project folder and click "
Select Folder".
8. Click "
Finish" in the dialog.