How to enable JCo/CPIC/RFC trace for SAP plugin at runtime in BWCE

How to enable JCo/CPIC/RFC trace for SAP plugin at runtime in BWCE


Article ID: KB0083131


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions 8.x


In order to enable the JCo/CPIC/RFC for SAP plugin at runtime in the BWCE  environment. The following properties need to be added to the app node config.ini file.

# Set the JCo trace
jco.trace_path=<directory path where the trace files will be stored>

# Set the trace at JCo middleware layer

# Set CPIC trace and dir
CPIC_TRACE_DIR=<directory path where the trace files will be stored>

NOTE: In the case of BWCE, the directory path for storing the trace files should always be from the container filesystem. If the directory path is not from the container file system then the trace file will be generated in the home directory of container filesystem.


How to enable JCo/CPIC/RFC trace for SAP plugin at runtime in BWCE


To enable the trace for an SAP plugin application deployed on a BWCE environment (Docker container) follow the steps below.

1). Get the container ID or name of the application container using the command: docker ps -a
2). Login to the application container using the command: docker exec -it <Container ID>  /bin/bash
3). Once logged in go to /tmp/tibco.home/bwce/<bwce version>/config
4). If  an editor is installed on the container then edit the appnode_config.ini file and add the above mentioned trace properties. In case no editor is installed and if one does not wish to add additional packages to the container, then with the help of the command mentioned below copy the appnode_config.ini file to your host system and add the trace properties to it and then replace the modified appnode_config.ini file.


where SRC_PATH=path of the source file.
and CONTAINER=name of the container. 
and DEST_PATH= path where the source file needs to be copied.

5). Restart the application container using the command: 
docker restart CONTAINER
where CONTAINER=name/ID of container

After completion of the steps above the trace files can be obtained from the respective directory as mentioned in the appnode_config.ini file.