1. Download TIBCO® Data Science for TIBCO Spotfire® Analyst from edelivery :
https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/view-component-download.ep?partNumber=01011689 2. Extract the downloaded zip file : TIB_stat-ext_13.6.0_win.zip to a folder of choice
3. Login to Spotfire Server via a web browser as a member of Administrator or Deployment Administrator and click on "Deployments and Packages"
4. Select the required Deployment Area and then click on 'Add Packages'.
5. Browse to the Statistica Extension installation media folders, choose the StatisticaEngine.spk & StatisticaExtension.spk and deploy them.
6. Validate the changes using the 'Validate' button and then click on "Save area".
7. All users logging into Spotfire Server via Spotfire Analyst or Spotfire Portable client can make use of the extension by selecting the Deployment Area where the Statistica packages were added and click OK.
8. Click Install Now on the prompt that indicates that changes have been made to deployment :
9. On subsequent logins, Spotfire Analyst clients may use Statistica workspaces as a data function in Spotfire Analyst.