How to enable TIBCO Statistica Service capability for TIBCO Spotfire

How to enable TIBCO Statistica Service capability for TIBCO Spotfire


Article ID: KB0072333


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.6
Spotfire Server 10.3,10.4


If using Spotfire Server 10.3 or 10.4, the Statistica service capability needs to be allowed on the Spotfire Server. Note that if using Spotfire Server 10.5 or higher, the capability need not be specifically enabled.

1. Administrator privileges on Spotfire Server
2. Spotfire Server Configuration Tool password
3. Statistica service added to Spotfire Server as detailed in :


This article explains how to enable TIBCO Statistica Service capability for TIBCO Spotfire


1. On Spotfire Server, browse to <Spotfire Install directory>/tomcat/spotfire-bin directory. Copy the location and launch an Administrative Command prompt.

2. Change directory to the <Spotfire Install directory>/tomcat/spotfire-bin in the command prompt and execute the command : config.bat export-config.
Note:  Spotfire Server Configuration Tool password is needed to perform these steps
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3. Open the configuration.xml file in a text editor which is located at the \tomcat\spotfire-bin folder and add the below section in the root configuration element. 

 <custom-services-proxy> <allowed-capabilities> <allowed-capability>STATISTICA</allowed-capability> </allowed-capabilities> </custom-services-proxy>

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Note: Ensure you have all needed services listed there. If only STATISTICA is listed in the allowed-capability list, then only the Statistica service will be allowed. If you use the TERR or Python services, then ensure TERR and Python are listed as an allowed-capability as well.

4. Save the configuration.xml file and run the following command in command prompt :  
config.bat import-config -c "adding custom capability"
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5. Restart the Spotfire Server Service .

Additional Information