How to build a Java functions as a JAR file and import it back to BusinessEvennts Studio as a Custom Function.
How to export Custom Catalog functions as a JAR
All Supported Platforms
1). Open the BE Studio that has the Java code. 2). Create a functions.catalog file . Eefer be-functions.jar file inside BE_HOME/lib to get a sample functions.catalog file. 3). Select the BE Project --> right click -->Export -->Java -->JAR file. 4). Import the JAR file to any BE Project. This will appear as Custom Functions.
Note: When you miss step 2 above you will get an error saying that the imported JAR file is not a custom function.
Make sure you have the functions.catalog file in the correct format when you build the JAR file and place the functions.catalog file in the root folder of the required Java archive resource (.jar) file. The functions.catalog file allows BE to integrate custom functions with the function registry in BusinessEvents Studio.